Upping the ante on dance coverage and conversation

Open Call: Deadline Extended! Apply by February 15th.

Click here for more information.

Contact Us

Press releases, story pitches, and Letters to the Editorial Board:

General inquiries:

To reach the leadership team:

4815 Regent St. #1
Philadelphia PA 19143-3425

Advertise on thINKingDANCE

Since our founding in 2011, tD has published hundreds of articles, including reviews, features, interviews, and thINK pieces.

With an ad on thINKingDANCE, your organization can reach a group of dedicated arts patrons and consumers.

--2500 unique sessions each month

--each session averages over 90 seconds

--ads placed on multiple places, including the home page and new articles

The revenue from your ad goes directly towards supporting the work of our writers and editors.

To place an ad, please contact: